First Presbyterian Church: Internal Request for Use of Space


Purpose Statement: The purpose of this form is to support the church ministry teams in their work and witness. Please fill out this form for the space and items you need for your ministry team and click submit.

We need your help with the following!

1. Group agrees to turn off lights, dispose of trash to dumpster, and to secure the church upon departure.

2. If childcare is provided, it must follow the prevention, training, screening and educational requirements of the First Presbyterian Church Sexual Misconduct Policy.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.



Purpose Statement: The purpose of this form is to support the church ministry teams in their work and witness. Please fill out this form for the space and items you need for your ministry team and click submit.

We need your help with the following!

1. Group agrees to turn off lights, dispose of trash to dumpster, and to secure the church upon departure.

2. If childcare is provided, it must follow the prevention, training, screening and educational requirements of the First Presbyterian Church Sexual Misconduct Policy.